The Alturas Institute advances its mission—promotion of the Constitution, civic education and gender equality-- through conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures throughout Idaho.

The Alturas Institute advances its mission—promotion of the Constitution, civic education and gender equality-- through conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures throughout Idaho.
Dr. Joanne B. Freeman is Professor of History, where she specializes in the politics and political culture of the revolutionary and early national periods of American history. Her book, Affairs of Honor: National Politics in the New Republic, won the Best Book award from the Society of Historians of the Early American Republic, and her edited volume, Alexander Hamilton: Writings, was one of the Atlantic Monthly’s “best books” of 2001. Her most recent book, The Field of Blood: Congressional Violence in Antebellum America, was published to critical acclaim. Her current book project explores the changes in our understanding of American history over time, using Alexander Hamilton as a test case. Professor Freeman will be lecturing on democracy in swing states this fall. She was one of the handful of eminent historians recently called to the White House to meet with President Jo Biden. A Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians, Freeman has appeared in a host of documentaries on PBS and the History Channel, and in numerous radio programs for NPR and the BBC.