The Alturas Institute advances its mission—promotion of the Constitution, civic education and gender equality-- through conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures throughout Idaho.

The Alturas Institute advances its mission—promotion of the Constitution, civic education and gender equality-- through conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures throughout Idaho.
Mr. Newgard joined the Bank of Idaho in July 2015 as the President and CEO. He came from HomeStreet Bank where he was responsible for management and strategic expansion throughout Central and Eastern Washington. Mr. Newgard joined HomeStreet with the company's acquisition of Yakima National Bank (YNB), where he served as president and chief executive officer. Mr. Newgard, who has held a number of leadership positions in regional and community banking since 1998, is a graduate of the Graduate School of Banking (Colorado) and holds a Masters of Business Administration from Washington State University and a Bachelor of Arts from Walla Walla College. Mr. Newgard is very involved in Eastern Idaho area and currently serves as Area 5 Chair of the Employer Support of the Guard & Reserve, as well as serving on several boards and committees, including Independent Community Bankers’ of America Select Committee on Cyber Security, the Idaho Falls Symphony, and War Bonnet Rodeo just to name a few. He has a wife, Savannah, two daughters, and a son. His family is his greatest joy in life.