America is forever indebted to Rosa Parks for the courage she exhibited on December 1, 1955, when she refused to surrender her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus to a white man, a violation of the city’s segregation laws. Her subsequent arrest unleashed the Civil Rights Movement, a historic demonstration of the capacity of citizens to engage in non-violent civil disobedience for the purpose of exposing outrageous, illegal and immoral government actions and policies. Her bravery and self-sacrifice remind a nation of the importance of fighting for the 14th Amendment principle of equal protection of the law, the foundation of American Constitutionalism, justice and the rule of law. Denial of equal protection--to minorities, women and members of the LGBTQ community—must be confronted at every turn. Otherwise, exceptions to it become the norm. Silence in the face of injustice is not an option.
The Alturas Institute advances its mission—promotion of the Constitution, civic education and gender equality-- through conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures throughout Idaho.